You, our friends, are why FOLKLIFE has come into being. It is the way you move. The way you think. The dirt on your hands and the paint on your boots. It is the way you heal. The way you share. The compassion you extend.
The way you bike, over driving. The way you trade, over buying. The way you acknowledge roots, and colours, and humans, rather than just…you.
It is the way you grow. Grow old, or wise, or youthful, yet again. The way you argue your angles, and then quietly adjust. It is the way you slow the folk down. It is you. You, our friends, are why FOLKLIFE has come into being.
Thanks so much to everyone who helped make such a beautiful magazine! We’ll be launching the V.2 cover here tomorrow morning, and are so excited to do so.
Pre-order yours online if you haven’t already, and be one of the first to receive it!

Shannon Kay of Sweet Sea Photography